Scripture Nugget 2.21.2016

“Then Moses and Aaron went away from the assembly to the entrance of the tent of meeting; they fell on their faces, and the glory of the LORD appeared to them. The LORD spoke to Moses,” Numbers 20:6-7

On your face, how often do I get down not just on my knees but all the way down on my face in the presence of God? How often do I expect to hear from God while I sit or stand fully erect but God seems silent? Do I humble myself, am I willing to assume a posture of respect and reverence and stay there for as long as it takes? Upon hearing from God do I remain humble, then go and do what He commands, exactly as He commanded? Moses and Aaron blew that part and it costs them the opportunity to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. O that I remain humble, that I allow God to work through me as He sees fit, in His timing and may I always give credit to God for the wondrous things He does. Forgive me Lord for the times when I have gotten on my high horse. . . . .