Scripture Nugget 6.25.2016

“The LORD blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning; …..”

Regardless of our present circumstances do we possess and demonstrate faith in God's promises for the future? Over-the-Horizon Faith, is the faith required to respond to God’s Over-the-Horizon promises; it is the faith needed to continue the journey He has called us to. It is the faith that keeps us going even in troubled times. Over-the-Horizon Faith gives us the patience to endure in good and bad times. It is a higher degree of faith than that required simply to be obedient. It is a faith of assurance. Job, possessed this faith from the beginning. He offered burnt offering for his children, just in case they had sinned – demonstrating his faith in God’s forgiveness. Even when all was taken from him, when his friends were of no real help, Job asked to speak with God. When God speaks directly to Job, Job returns to declare the faith he has possessed all along but had temporarily been detoured from. “In a kind of leap of faith, Job shouts, ‘I see’ (see 42:5). He does not diminish anything about God’s character – God’s power and purposeful creation, God’s justice and governance – all of which is shrouded in mystery. But the ultimate mystery is grace. Job confirms one of the lessons we learn from the saints of the ages. All the saints passionately sought and found a gracious God. God doesn’t come only in the whirlwinds of life, but more. God comes to is where we are. This is the pinnacle truth of the Christian faith, the incarnation; the mystery of God’s presence and grace.” (Life Application Topic – Mystery – Wesley Study Bible, pg 646)