Scripture Nugget 4.12.2016

“…‘As the LORD lives, who has redeemed my life out of every adversity, when the one who told me, “See, Saul is dead,” thought he was bringing me good news, I seized him and killed him at Ziklag – this was the reward I gave him for his news. How much more then, when wicked men have killed a righteous man on his bed in his own house! And now I shall I not require his blood at your hand, and destroy you from the earth?’” 2 Samuel 4:9b-11

When the two brothers, Rechab and Baanah, captains of Saul’s raiding parties heard of their commander Abner’s death they attempted to gain advantage with David by killing Saul’s Son Ishbaal. They take Ishbaal’s head to David as a trophy and proof of the kill, hoping for a promotion within David’s army. David is incensed, he refuses to be bought by yet another self-serving mercenary act. David puts his trust in God, not the acts of ruthless men who jockey for position by assassinating an innocent, defenseless man. Though Saul attempted to kill David several times and pursued David mercilessly; David remained loyal to and loved Saul, the LORD’s anointed. David also chosen by God to lead God’s people had to wait for his time. Over and over while Saul was alive David was persecuted by Saul. In essence he often said, “Saul’s still the king and it’s not time for him to die”, even though Saul’s death would lead to David’s kingdom. David was patient and waited for that which he was anointed to become. O that I would have patience, be satisfied and live completely in the circumstances of the moment, not attempt to make things happen, even the things I’ve been promised or feel God leading me to. That I would accomplish today, all that I am called to do without thought of how it might improve my position in the future. Selflessly live for God, loving God, loving and serving others just because that is what God calls me to do.