Scripture Nugget 2.17.2016

“The LORD said to Moses, ‘Is the LORD’s power limited?’ Now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not.’” Numbers 11:23

Almost immediately after setting out from Sinai the people complain to Moses about that which the God provides, Manna, the bread of life. God provides enough each day for all, but the some (the rabble) have a strong craving for meat, their loud voices influence the people who cry out for something more than the provision from God. Moses, overwhelmed and weary request help from God. God provides assistants, who are limited in how much they will do. Then asks Moses, “Is the LORD’s power limited?” This is a great question for us to answer for ourselves, especially during Lent. What are our cravings? Are we satisfied with the daily issue of life God provides? Are our cravings for God, or for substitute gods? Are our desires for other than that which God desires for us? Do I limit the power of God in my life with my own desires? Oh that I live with God, satisfied with the abundance of daily life with God and not desire (crave) that which separates me from God and therefore to death. The place where the Israelites died and were buried after gorging on quail is called Kibrothhattaavah (11:34), - graves of craving. Oh, that at the end of Lent I stand before the open tomb, the eternal life with God!