Scripture Nugget 10.24.2016

10.24.2016 (Luke 8-9) “The twelve were with him, as well as some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their resources.” Luke 8:1

Take an assessment of yourself. Is there any “evil spirit or infirmity” in you? Will you allow Jesus to heal? “When the crowds found out about it, they followed him; and he welcomed them, and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed to be cured.” (Luke 9:11) They found out, they followed; He welcomed, He spoke, and He healed! Take an assessment of your congregation. How many suffer in their evil spirits and infirmities? How many need healing? Jesus desires to welcome, speak to and heal and heal them. O that we all, starting with me, would step out and up, that we would follow close enough to recognize His welcome, hear and receive His Word and be healed by His power!