Scripture Nugget 2.10.2016

“You shall not cheat one another, but you shall fear your God; for I am the LORD your God. You shall observe my statutes and faithfully keep my ordinances so that you may live on the land securely. The land will yield it fruit, and you will eat your fill and live on it securely.” Leviticus 15:17-19

Love God, love others, live a faithful obedient life for God provides. In a Jubilee Year, an entire year where no planting, cultivating or harvesting occurs God provides. Will I trust God? Do I trust enough to take a weekly Sabbath rest? Do I trust enough to live obediently, the law Jesus commands? Will I love God first and most, love others the way God loves me? Will I love my self, be satisfied with who I am in Christ, the way God loves me? On this Ash Wednesday 2016, I contemplate my humanness, my earthly mortality, and measure my faith within God’s Grace. I fall miserably short, but by God’s grace I am made worthy, acceptable and whole. O that I live every moment of every day growing in God’s grace, becoming more like Christ, my Savior. Thank you God for grace, for forgiveness, for being patient with your creation as we experience life, as we make bad decisions, as we fall, turn away; then make good decisions, admit our failures and turn back to you. We praise you that through your grace you return us to the rightful place you meant for us; that you forgive our sins and we may once again enter your presence with confidence. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!