Scripture Nugget 4.13.2016

“And what more can David say to you? For you know your servant, O Lord GOD! Because of your promise, and according to your own heart, you have wrought all this greatness, so that your servant may know it. Therefore you are great. O LORD God; for there is no one like you, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears.” 2 Samuel 7:20-22

                         Wesleyan Life Application Topic - True Greatness

True greatness is often hard to assess. Bible-believing people, however, have a measuring stick in God. Because God is the author and the epitome of greatness, and everyone and everything else must measure up to the Lord. Although we all fall short of God’s majesty and glory there is a way to live in greatness. King David was considered great because he communicated with and trusted in the Lord and God’s attributes rubbed off on him. Simply put, true greatness comes from walking with the Great One. Wesley Study Bible, page 384

There is always hope of and drawing closer to God, so as to walk with God. David was far from “perfect”, yet he is considered great. True greatness comes from God and all of us have the same opportunity to receive from God. We must trust God and be willing to go where he sends and do that which he calls us to do. “Go and make disciples”, be disciple of Christ’s, lead others to be a disciple of Christ’s; true greatness will come upon you.