Scripture Nugget 6.14.2017


Scripture Nugget 6.14.2017

Scripture Read Psalms 69-71


Nugget Psalm 69:1-3, 13-15

“Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me. I am weary with my crying, my throat is parched. My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God. ... But as for me, my prayer is to you, O LORD. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love, answer me. With your faithful help, rescue me from sinking in the mire; let me be delivered from my enemies and from the deep waters. Do not let the flood sweep over me, or the deep swallow me up, or the Pit close its mouth over me.”


Devotional Thought: When overwhelmingly overwhelmed who do I/you/we call to? Imagine being stuck in the bottom of a smooth sided well; water up to your mouth, dirty polluted water; you can’t get a foothold to push your mouth out of the water except for brief moments at a time. Your tired, thirsty yet drowning. Who do you call? The Psalmist calls faithfully to God, “But as for me, my prayer is to you, O LORD. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love, answer me; rescue me, deliver me, do not let the flood sweep over me, the deep swallow me or the Pit close over me.” Over-the-Horizon faith expressed while experiencing an overwhelming situation – that’s faith!