Scripture Nugget 5.4.2017

Scripture Nugget 5.4.2017

Scripture Read Job 35-36


Nugget Job 36:13-17

“‘The godless in heart cherish anger; they do not cry for help when he binds them. They die in their youth, and their life ends in shame. He delivers the afflicted by their affliction, and opens their ear by adversity. He also allured you out of distress into a broad place where there was no constraint, and what was set on your table was full of fatness. But you are obsessed with the case of the wicked; judgement and justice seize you. Beware that wrath does not entice you into scoffing and do not let the greatness of the ransom turn you aside.’”


Devotional Thought: The debate between Job and his “friends” continues. Elihu continues this long speech, in which he says nothing the others haven’t already said and seemingly seems to contradict himself as he progresses. He is a confused theologian to say the least. Here it seems he claims that in anger Job has lost proper focus of God and all God had done for him. Job has lost sight of the blessings of God and now obsesses over the sins of others. Doing so he has become angry, so angry he is danger of losing sight of God’s grace. This is a real and present danger for those of us who live on this side of Easter. Let us not forget the enormity of Jesus’ sacrifice; let us repent daily so that we may remain in the Kingdom of God. Jesus is Lord of all, that includes me, you and every part of creation – but we must allow Jesus to be Lord of our hearts….. We must acknowledge and accept the ransom, the sacrifice made for us.