Scripture Nugget 4.1.2017

Scripture Nugget 4.1.2017


Scripture Read Mark 5-6


Nugget Mark 5:22

“Then one of the leaders of the synagogue named Jairus came and, when he saw him, fell at his feet.


Devotional thought: Jairus comes to Jesus in faith, begging Jesus to come, touch his nearly dead daughter so that she would be made well. Jairus comes humbles himself before Jesus. Every day is an opportunity to humble ourselves before God; Lent is a season that highlights the opportunity. Eight days before Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week, have I/you made a humble deliberate and faith filled turn toward Jesus? “Wesley wrote, ‘By repentance and lowliness of heart the deadly disease of pride is healed; that of self-will by resignation, and meek and thankful submission to the will of God” (Sermon 44: ‘Original Sin,’ III.3).” (Wesley Study Bible, pg 1215) O that I would seek to become more like Christ, moment by moment, by faith, confessing and repenting from sin; seeking Jesus, just to fall at His feet.