Scripture Nugget 3.2.2017

Scripture Nugget 3.2.2017


Nugget Job 17:13-16

“‘If I look for Sheol as my house, if I spread my couch in darkness, if I say to the Pit, “You are my father,” and to the worm, “My mother,” or “My sister,” where then is my hope? Who will see my hope? Will it go down to the bars of Sheol? Shall we descend together into dust?’”


Devotional thought: Where is our hope? O the gift of living on this side of Easter! As we journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter morning it is much easier for us who know the resurrection story than it was for Job. Job wrestles with his faith over something he senses deep down in his soul, that God loves him and provides eternally for him (us); while we know what God has done for us: became human – born of woman, lived among us, ministered to us, taught us, suffered for us, died for us, was buried for us and defeated death for us – breaking out of the tomb, continuing his ministry to us and sits at the right hand of the Father advocating for us. Shall we go down to Sheol, descend to the dust? Absolutely not; Jesus has already done so! We who, Repent, and believe the Gospel rise to be with the Lord! Journey to Easter in assurance, grow to be more like Christ. Journey into the fullness of the relationship that God offers with the faith of Job.