Scripture Nugget 2.1.2017

Scripture Nugget 2.1.2017


Scripture Read Psalms 12-14

Nugget Psalm 14:1-2

“Fools say in their hearts, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is no one who does good. The LORD looks down from heaven o humankind to see if ther ware any who are wise, who seek after God.”


Devotional thought: The opening sentence of this passage, “Fools say in their hearts, ‘There is no God.’” Is an example of all the rhetoric, opinion, alternative facts etc. we hear from politicians, reporters, and social media posters. Someone may say, “look here, the Bible says, ‘there is no God.’ So it must be true, all you Christians and Bible thumpers out there, do you not belive what your own Bible says?” Then the story line gets picked up by ignorant persons who don’t even check the veracity of the statement. All of a sudden there is a firestorm of activity. Check the source, check the facts, discover that is it is fools who say in their hearts there is no God. O God that I not be found a fool, that I embrace your love of me, that I love you in return. That I share your love with others and hold accountable fools who misspeak. That I trust in your steadfast love; rejoice in your salivation and sing to you for your bountiful dealing with me. (Ps 13:6)