Scripture Nugget 1.29.2017

Scripture Nugget 1.29.2017

Scripture Read – Romans 7-8

Nugget Romans 8:24-25

“For in hope we are saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.”

Devotional thought: The Over-the-Horizon Promises of God give us hope. Our waiting on those promises, hoping in them, is Over-the-Horizon Faith, which is the proper response to “things” not seen…… Life with God is the life of ongoing salvation (I have been saved, I am being saved, I will be saved some more) it is a life of ongoing transformation, a journey to perfection – completeness in Christ. We believe, through God’s grace that becoming like Christ, being formed in Christ likeness is possible in this life time. Over-the-Horizon Faith leads us to hope in and pursue God’s Over-the-Horizon promises – “things” not seen.