Scripture Nugget 1.13.2017

Scripture Nugget 1.13.2017

Scripture Read – Isaiah 7-11

Nugget Isaiah 9:12b, 17c, 21b, 10:4b, 11:5
“For all this his anger has not turned away; his hand is stretched out still, … For all this his anger has not turned away; his hand is stretched out still. … For all this his anger has not turned away; his hand is stretched out still. … For all this his anger has not turned away; his hand is stretched out still. … Righteousness shall be the belt around his waist, and faithfulness the belt around his loins.”

Devotional thought: For all this x 4: pride and arrogance of heart (9:9b); elders and dignitaries who lead astray and prophets who teach lies (9:15), and godless evildoers (9:17b); all consuming wickedness (9:18-20) and oppressive statutes, turning aside from the needy, robbing the poor and widows (10:1-2) For all this his anger has not turned away, his hand is stretched out still. Read a newspaper, listen to the news, follow political turmoil and upheaval (no matter which side you support) and you will find a regular and routine supply of examples of all the above: pride and arrogance of heart, false leaders and teachers, godless people with lax moral values, wickedness abounding and the haves taking advantage of the have nots (giving fish [handout] instead of teaching to fish [hand up]), not caring for a family member or neighbor in need. We are a sinful people who are not like Christ. “Jesus is the only truly and completely righteous person the world has seen, wholly obedient and acceptable in God’s sight.” (Wesley Study Bible pg 828) “Righteousness shall be the belt around his waist, and faithfulness the belt round his loins.” We need to change for we are called to holiness, to righteousness, to be like Christ. Come on God, send your Holy Spirit upon us so we can become like Jesus – loving God and neighbor instead of the junk lives we live now. Turn your anger from us, take us in the palm of your hand, we pray!