Scripture Nugget 6.16.2016

“‘Call now; is there anyone who will answer you? … As for me, I would seek God, and to God I would commit my cause.’ … ‘O that my vexation were weighed, and all my calamity laid in balances! … O that I might have my request, and that God would grant my desire; … What is my strength, that I should wait? … In truth I have no help in me, and any resource is driven from me.’” Job 5:1a, 8, 6:2, 8, 13

This morning as I struggle with my own battles (something is attacking my body and health, it is having a negative effect on me spiritually, mentally, emotionally and relationally) as I wrestle with what I’ve read in Job chapters 5-8, I read my friend’s blog, my friend is a few days into a new journey. His wife, friend, soulmate and other of their children lost her two-year battle with cancer. His struggle continues – I can only imagine. In all that he said in his blog today – this stands out to me;

 “I know enough that though I may be at odds with God, God is the only one I’ve got.”

That’s a declaration of faith for sure. At the end of the day Job wrestled with God relationally, just as Jacob did physically and if we are all honest with ourselves and each other, as we do to. My Brother in Christ, Ken reminds us simply and profoundly to trust God. Even Jesus asks from the cross, “My God, why have you forsaken me?” It’s an honest question, it’s a question worth wrestling with – do you see in crying out to God, in asking God the question – I, you, we are demonstrating our faith in God? Trusting God will answer. Even though I don’t understand, I can hold on for the blessing that is coming. I have learned and continue to learn that God’s Over-the-Horizon promises require me/you/us to possess Over-the-Horizon faith. Job’s struggle, his friend’s responses; my brother Ken’s declaration are all great examples. O that I may live out what and who is inside me!