Scripture Nugget 4.7.2016

“Then Jonathan said to David, ‘Go in peace, since both of us have sworn in the name of the LORD, saying, “The LORD shall be between me and you, and between my descendants and your descendants, forever”’”

This is personal for me today. Earlier this week a dear friend from high school asked me to pray for her daughter, M.K.W.. To pray that God would breakthrough in her life to overcome the obstacles to grace she is up against. I ask my friends, members of the congregations I presently serve and have served, and anyone else who reads my daily scripture nuggets, to stop right now and lift up a prayer for M.K. (not my niece in law, close family will understand). Pray she realize that regardless of what she has done, or how far she has strayed, God the loving Father will always welcome her back, will restore and redeem her. Pray God’s grace overcomes all the obstacles she feels are insurmountable. Please pray for M.K. daily…. Thank you, God bless you. In His grip, Ed